Healing Circles

2- 3 hr circle, base rate $444 +$60/person 5 or more

Group sessions consisting of 4-12 people in which a customized care plan is designed for the overall needs for the circle. It would be a combination of all the modalities described on the site. Various combinations can be used to provide healing for all attending. An example of a circle could be ear acupuncture followed by guided meditation and sound healing. Can be done in the office with reservation or on location to be determined at the time booking.

Project Power

Age group 10-17yrs

2hr class, Meeting once a month, $60/person

Talking circle for all the teenagers seeking an outlet to express their authentic selves. It is designed to provide youth with interpersonal skills to express feelings or thoughts and opinions. The goal of the project is to learn how to express themselves in more meaningful ways which can inspire confidence and courage to be more authentic. This class is an active discussion in which all attending can freely discuss opinions without any judgment while practicing the above skill set.